if anyone can for me idd love that and ill give you credits for it
a pretty famous Dutch website is waiting on my "rpg"game so ull get credits for it then ’
For each slot in the inventory check what’s in there
I don’t know where you store the data of what’s in which slot. And if you don’t have that data stored you should store it in an array. Look it up, after lunch I’ll be glad to explain it if you havn’t already figured it out.
//Now check if there is a sword in one of these slots. If so then remove the item from the slot and then do this:
this.gotoAndPlay(frame with sword);
do that until all the weapons have thier own keys.
and so on and so forth, just make the min and maxdamage variables inside the IntializeWeapons.
As for the hitting:
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE) && Wielding == true)
if (curentweapon == sword)
this.gotoAndPlay(whatever frame is attack)
if (_root.moving_mc.sword.hitTest(Baddy))
Baddy.health -= 10;
Edit: After playing the game again there’s something wierd going on when you die. After you hit -1 your Status becomes healing and you go up to 5 health and then when you restart you go back down to -1 or 0 or 1