More BitmapData woes

I’ve recently tried to take my bitmapdata skills to the next level by creating my own animation and rotation classes to help bring life to a sitll image. However I might have set my sights a bit too high when I tried to create a multi-dimensional array that pre-compose all the necessary images for proper rotation, scale and opacity. I ALMOST have it but due to my lack of skill with matricies, I can’t figuire it out :confused: Here’s what I got so far :

var SRO:Array = new Array();
for (var i:uint = 0 ; i <= 10 ; i++){
	var newWidth:uint  = width * (i+1)
	var newHeight:uint = height * (i+1)																
	SRO* = new Array();
	for (var ii:Number = -18; ii < 19; ii++){ 
		var rotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();						
		var temp:Number = Math.sqrt((newWidth/2)*(newWidth/2)+(newHeight/2)*(newHeight/2)); 
		rotationMatrix.translate(-newWidth/ 2,-newHeight / 2); 
		rotationMatrix.rotate(ii * Math.PI/180 * 10);				 
		SRO*[ii] = new Array();
		for (var iii:uint = 0 ; iii <= 10 ; iii++){	
			var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(1,1,1,iii*.1);
			SRO*[ii][iii] = new BitmapData(temp*2,temp*2,true,0);								

So SRO[0][0][10] would be a scale of 1, and rotation of 0 and opacity of 100%.

Rotation(ii) and opacity(iii) work fine, but for some reason it only scales the bmd’s bounds and not the image itself.

On a side note, how do I get rid of the background of a bmd alltogether? Example attatched

editapparently my host is down, anyone know where I can upload multiple files (including swf)temp link