I draw() a new bitmap with the use of a transform matrix, but Im having serious problems with calculating de translate positions after rotate…
Is there some kind of formula/function to calculate the matrix.translate Numbers after matrix.rotate ?
What I do now is something like this:
var matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.rotate(2 * Math.PI * (rotatie / 360)); //rotatie is a Number that I "post" via a dropbox
matrix.translate(helpX, helpY); //HELP ME HERE PLEASE :)
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(b, h);
bmd.draw(img, matrix);
var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd);
img = bm; //img is a bitmap variable on the stage
I actually did read a gazzilion tuts and topics about the matrix, but I didnt find anything about this.
Any help would be appreciated. thx
public static function PreRotate(img:Object):Array{
RI = new Array();
for (var i:Number = -18; i < 19; i++){
var rotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var temp:Number = Math.sqrt((img.width/2)*(img.width/2)+(img.height/2)*(img.height/2));
rotationMatrix.translate(-img.width/ 2,-img.height / 2);
rotationMatrix.rotate(i * Math.PI/180 * 10);
RI* = new BitmapData(temp*2, temp*2, true, 0x000000);
RI*.draw(img, rotationMatrix);
return RI
Thank you guys!
The script substance posted is almost perfect, it takes the right sizes and rotation , but it draws the new bitmap on the wrong place, I have to puzzle a little with that.
The new bitmaps need to be on the scene’s x:0 and y:0, while this script moves the new bitmap every time.
I think its beqausse the translate uses the same values for x and y.
once again, THX 
I am a little further now, the code doesnt draw my images on the wrong place anymore, but it does “crop” the “copy” to the smallest value.
For example:
flash loads an image from 400200 px
Rotate it with 90
and draw() a new image, with the right sizes, but the content is now 200200 instead of 200*400.
Im horrible with math, so I hope you guys can help me out once more 
this is what I have so far…
var rotatie:Number = 90;
var rotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var tempX:Number = Math.sqrt((img.width/2)*(img.width/2));
var tempY:Number = Math.sqrt((img.height/2)*(img.height/2));
rotationMatrix.translate(-img.width/ 2,-img.height / 2);
rotationMatrix.rotate(2 * Math.PI * (rotatie / 360));
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(tempX*2, tempY*2, true, 0x000000);
Since my english isnt that good, here an image what happens

Solved, I now have this and works like a charm
(since I only need to rotate with 90)
var rotatie:Number = 90;
var rotationMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var tempX:Number = Math.sqrt((img.width/2)*(img.width/2));
var tempY:Number = Math.sqrt((img.height/2)*(img.height/2));
var bmd:BitmapData;
rotationMatrix.translate(-img.width/ 2,-img.height / 2);
rotationMatrix.rotate(2 * Math.PI * (rotatie / 360));
rotationMatrix.translate(tempY,tempX); //this
bmd = new BitmapData(tempY*2, tempX*2, false, 0x00ff00);
bmd.draw(img, rotationMatrix);