More FFX Artwork

Don’t go in so much detail with the water, you can always smudge a blue gradient or something later :wink:

Uh uh, I do not do gradient fills, my boy. :slight_smile: Hand coloured or bust, that’s the way it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good idea though for a scene, that would be really cool. If I can draw it, of course… :slight_smile:

Does nobody use finger paint anymore? :frowning:


I remember making a nice painting (with real paint, mind you) of a torrent sea with nothing but solid blue and white.

I once had a picture shown on Hart Beat. :beam:

I was only about 6, and I was so thrilled when my picture came up I was jumping round the room, apparently. :slight_smile: It was a picture of a sunset with black trees infront of it. :slight_smile:

It didn’t happen to be one of the drawings maddox flamed was it?


Do you still have it?

My greatest accomplishment was Crono from Chrono Trigger. At the time, I didn’t know who the guy was; I just found the pic in a magazine and drew it.

*Originally posted by thoriphes *

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**It didn’t happen to be one of the drawings maddox flamed was it?


Do you still have it?**
Sadly no, it would have been destroyed a long time ago. :slight_smile:

Currently working on a Chocobo, btw. :slight_smile: