More FFX Artwork

This time, Auron. I’d like to get some kind of backgroud put on here, and maybe see how it looks without the outline. But for now, in the usual style… :slight_smile:

Wow this one is nice, I love the detail and color. Great work Kit. =)

lol, it’s great kit! :love:

ONE thing tho… he looks too darn young :slight_smile:

best FF peice most likely, the colours are so nice!

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**ONE thing tho… he looks too darn young :slight_smile: **
Bwa, I know… :slight_smile:

How on Earth can you make these guys look older? I’m having real trouble getting the ‘grizzled’ look… :sure:

“bwa”…? is that yet another english werd?

throw some dust on him :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, I’ve just taken the outlines out of it and added a few more bits of colour to show things like fingers. It’s still a bit jagged round the edges and joins, but as a rough idea, which picture do people prefer?

Having FTP trouble atm, so it’s an attachment for the time being… :sure:

I prefer the first one :slight_smile:

It’s more - your style…


although with a bit of development the other one could also be pretty cool i think, a bit more artistic :slight_smile:

I don’t like the no outlines one, the other is awesome, make something really crap. Go on I dare ya, shock us :wink:

  • Soul :s:

Everyone likes the lines more? Heh, and here was me thinking that the one without was better. :sure:

Typical. :stuck_out_tongue:

hey, it’s Auron.

Good job :thumb:

Thanks Thor. :slight_smile:

Any suggestions for who next? I’m thinking of Tidus… Or maybe another Yuna / Rikku. Then I get some kind of FFX big group picture going… :slight_smile:

Cool! The only thing that bothers me is the left hand! The fingers are kinda wierd but that’s just a little screw in the big machinery! Nice work!

The image without the lines looks more like a painting so that background you spoke of would seat your character nicely.
I really like them both, as far as making him look older maybe a few extra lines on face like across forehead, or heavier eyelid. Kinda tuff with those glasses and high collar.
Would like to see you go a little deeper toned on the shadowed areas.
Congratz, nice work!

Cool, thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated from a pro. :slight_smile:

I really like this pic, pose and character anyway, so I might well do more with him as far as experimentation goes… I’ll see if I can add some kind of lines o age him a little, darken some of the face. At least what’s visible. :slight_smile:

And Syko, you know what I’m like with drawing hands! :stuck_out_tongue: I really need to work on them. :slight_smile:

do a chocobo pls, that would look cool!

Ack, yes! Been meaning to do a cute lil Chocobo… :beam:

If you want a challenge, try drawing the scene of Tidus and Yuna at Lake Makalania. (sp?)

Oooo, you know, I might just do that… :beam:

Though it <i>is</i> an absolute nightmare… :slight_smile: