been having probs with the scrollpane in mx 04
i get it to work as I want - borderless, fully skinned scrollbars, the correct movie i wanna display etc
this i do all manually by dragging a scrollpane instance to the stage and setting its parameters for the hscroll policy and content path
set the border style to none using the following actionscript in the 1st frame
scrollera.setStyle(“borderStyle”, “none”)
— so far so good
the problems arise when I load a movie with the scrollpane into another movieclip using the loadMovie command - and to a lesser extent when I load the same clip into a level rather than another movie clip
what happens is the scrollpane highlights completely in the Halo theme colour when its clicked upon - something i don’t want it to do. I’ve solved the problem temporarily by matching the themecolour with the background pic upon which the scrollpane is overimposed.
this is not an ideal situation
I don’t think the same thing happens when using the sample theme instead
with that I have to figure out how to get rid of the scrollpane’s filled background
any ideas as to how to get rid of the halo glow completely from the theme?
you might be able to replicate this problem by dragging a scrollpane on a new stage, setting it up to display a movie - testing the movie with cmd / ctrl + return then refreshing it once or twice after it loaded