I’m fairly new to the whole the CS4 style motion tweening and I want to give it all a try and learn, I’ve watched all the getting started vids, read up in the forums but I can’t find this one thing which should be really simple …
I want to move an object from point A to point B and then to an end point C, between point B to C I want to apply an ease, now I used to click on the section between two keyframes and apply the ease, and done! Simple, but now applying the ease applys it to the whole tween, even selecting just the frames I want to apply the ease to doesn’t work, I’ve also tried my hand at the motion editor switching the ease off the first key frame and only having it on the last two … that didn’t work, and various things inbetween
Hope thats clear … Any advice or if you can point me in the direction of something to watch or read would be fantastic ta!