makes an object going from right to left loop over and keep goign and going, then what do i change in the script to make an object going from left to right to keep looping over and going and going, and also for down to up and up to down, sorry ima flash newbie rofl:(
ok ill explain, i have an object moving across the screen ( right to left) but when it gets to the end i want it to loop, you know what im saying? well i got it to loop but i can’t do do the same for an object moving left to right
The second example I gave you above does just that. It moves your object from -10 _x all the way to 810 _x, once it reaches 810, it sends the clip back to -10 and the process starts over.
wow never mind that thing u gave me didn’t work, my image width is 300 pixels and the height is 100 pixels, i have an object starting on the left side, i want it to start on the left and move to the right and when it hit’s the end i want it to go back to where it started and move to the right again, like loop
hmm nothin seems to work even when i look at your example
thats what im making, i want all the boxes to move then loop but i can only get the right box to do it
thanks so much man, i see whati wasn’t changing and why it didn’t work, not only did u help me alot, but u tought me some stuff thanks man i owe you one lol