Hey i have a picture very similar to that, good work
nah, keep it there, i canāt do it
lol ok
there it is everyone
by the way, i think its a very nice piece, i like it a lot
Give me a second, i will put the snow version up too :bounce:
am i in charge of makin it show up again?
yeh i guess lol
lol alright
send me a pm with the link to the pic or something
there you go
its ok, you tried
and this also looks very nice
:beam: thanks!
I posted because i wanted to know if it was possible to put this into 3ds max, with texture and everything, and then put something in there that was made in 3ds MAX, tell me what you think should be fixed
no problem cybergoldā¦ i gotsta go do hw now tho
donāt hesitate to ask me to host pics for ya tho, since your good at makin purdy stuff and i have too much space I have no problem doin it for ya
Sounds like a great deal, thanks. Iām going to get my own site soon (hopefully)
d00d you MADE! that in like a 3d proggi?! WHAT THE FUDGE?!
Cybergoldā¦www.dr2.net 20 USD a YEAR! and 100MB file space and i donno how much transfer. its got a really good pakage though.
Oh great, thanks, there is a real good thread in Kirupaforums for web hosting services and which ones are the best. thanks.
Is that sarcasm? cause i mean i didnt mean to spam your thread you said you needed a host so i told oyu where to goā¦
I was actually looking into it, that wasnāt meant to be sarcastic
awesome pictures ppl! I wish I could make something like that!
Gotta go learn that nowā¦
Great pics cybergold! =)
really like themā¦i might give it a try on that prog. too