Here’s something i made in Terragen, no touch up.
um nothing there…
wow !
really good man! i´ve never seen someone capture the essense of the void so well! :A+:
vveery nice! yep I like it! But if I actually saw the pic I’d know what to like!
my favorite part is how the light gray nicely contrasts and compliments the pure white and the wait, theres nothing there
:crazy: I couldn’t attach it so i got tired and went to eat something. How can i attach it? it is about 325 KB :stunned:
[SIZE=7]350 MB ???[/SIZE]
oh… i see… 350 kb… you edited this, don´t you?
can you make it smaller?
let me make a free website in freewebs, then i will just put the pic up
you could email it to me, and i could put it on my site for a bit if you want
ok, but it would be good to get a temporary site up, better for me in the long run…
alright, just an offer, tell me if you want me to do it for ya tho, no problem if you need it
ok, sure, where do i send it?
well anyway i like the landscape…
Must be British; flat - empty- landscape (eheh)
how do i post an image?
use the image tag
[ img ] [ /img ]
without spaces
send it to if you want
there it is
cybergold - i can delete my post with that in it if you want… just thought id make it easier for people to see