Mouseover in dw3

i can’t seem to make text bold on mouseover in dw3…

can ne1 help? :cyclops:


can’t you use a stylesheet class for that?

well, i’ve got 2 stylesheets - 1 for the mouseover state and one for the normal state.

I thort i wud apply the change property behaviour… bt not gettin newhere… itz just normal text, itz not in a layer… :sleep:

wot is i doin wong? :+)

(i dont want to do a rollover image, as som1 has alredy suggested… ):pirate:

ok, itz dun now… tankz 4 d kick up d butt eilsoe… i realise it was staring me in d face now :cyclops:

here is d url 4 d tutorial to do dis simple mouseover behaviour:


hehe :slight_smile: