MouseOver menu, but there’s a catch

I trying to create a menu bar at the top of my webpage. It has about 5 buttons on it that each have a rollover action to go to and play a certain frame within a movie clip. This clip is a menu that slides down from the button and contains links. However, I do not know how to have the menus remain there while the mouse rolls over it. The buttons are in a row adjacent to each other. I tried creating a “rollOut” rectangle to make the menu disappear when the mouse is not on the menu or corresponding button, but when the buttons are placed right next to each other, it hides the rollout action preventing the menus from closing if the mouse drags from one button to the next. I also can’t hide the menu using the rollOut action for the button because then one would be unable to click the menu options that appear right after initial roll over.

I really hope that this makes sense. If anyone needs further explanation, please let me know. My final question is: is there a way to code something like this? By the way, I’m using Flash 5.

Thanks, :slight_smile:

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