Movie clip - gotoandplay(...);


I have a movie clip and on frame 60 of that movie clip with an action, “gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);”, but it doesn’t work…still playing the movie clip and don’t go to frame 1 of scene 1… :eye:

Anbody know a solution for this???


can you maybe set a stop()

Try to do it using framelabels.

Put a framelabel on frame 1 of Scene 1, e.g. ‘myScene1’

Then in frame 60 of your mc, put:


check your spelling, and check if you used upper or lower case. remember flash is case sensitive… i know because my my friend and myself spent 20 minutes looking for an error like that… it ended up we used a capital letter for the Scene, and in the coding we wrote it all in lower case.


i don’t understand why it didn’t works…grrrr…

if you try link from a mc to a scene with a gotoandplay(“Scene 1”,1); or with a frame label, gotoandplay(“start”); …never works…

MC´s don´t work with scenes. If you can, try putting this on your mc:
and this on frame 25 of the main timeline:
[AS]gotoAndPlay(“myScene1”, 1)[/AS]
then it should work.

Ei njs12345, thk u!! it works eheheh

thks for all that help me!