Hi there, 1st of all, thank you for all those who have helped me out for that last week. I have gained so much information this week more than I do in a month. The progress of my project is going because of this forum.
2nd, I run into another question.
I have 1 index movie (_root). Inside this movie, I have a container_mc, and I load external swf file into this container.
For examble, I load a news.swf into the container_mc
But when I reference into a mc inside the _root timeline of news.swf, It doesnt recognize it.
For example: I have a myMovie_mc inside the _root timeline of news.swf
How do I make an absolute reference to this myMovie_mc?? ( I have a button inside myMovie_mc, and onRelease, I want it to play the 2nd frame on myMovie_mc
This doesnt work:
A quick solution is appreciated. Thanks guys.