Movie Clip

Hey Guys, I need help with something real click…

I made a movie clip and a button, when I click on the button I want the movie clip to fade out. I did the tweening for the clip and gave it an instance name, but I can’t remember what action script I used to play a movie clip. So how would I get the movie clip to play by clicking on the button?; ?

If it is just a tween this is simple…

[AS]on (release){;

Theres also an AS way :wink:

Duuuuuurrr… Thank you… :love: It’s been a while since I worked with flash, been busy with work… Can’t remember some things

How have you two been? Haven’t talked to you either in a while.

yeah you havent been on here for a while… eh

the actionscript way :slight_smile:

on (release) {
	mymovieclip.onEnterFrame = function() {
		(this._alpha<1) ? delete this.onEnterFrame : this._alpha--;