Movie Clips as buttons

I have a movie clip with a button inside. Im trying to do some as simple as on press gotoAndPlay(framename) but for some reason it wont respond. It will on press trace() and LoadMovie() but it wont respond to the frame lable or number. What is the trick to get movie clips to respond like buttons?


If your button is sitting inside a movie clip then try adding an action like this to it:

on (release) {

Yeah, because your button is inside a new MC, you have to tell it which MC (ie:the main timeline, or _root) to move/play/stop whatever. If you go into Normal mode on the Actions panel, you’ll see there’s a little target crosshair icon. If you click on that when you’re inside your gotoAndPlay() brackets, you should be able to see all of the movie clips on the stage. Simply select he one you want to play.

Thanks for your help guys !