I know this has got to be something really easy… but I’m having the worst time with it. I have a movie clip with several buttons. I want the buttons to move the user to different scenes within the movie. I’ve tried “GoToandPlay”, targeting my scene and frame label… but nothing. I’ve tried using “_root” or “_level0” to target my scene… and nothing.
What actionscript do i have to use in order to have the button in the movie clip send the user to a specific frame label within a scene?
the movie is pretty basic… i have the main movie that has two scenes… Home and Revelation… Revelation has a background graphic and a few other small graphics and a frame label “Band”. I have a navigation movie clip that contains a set of buttons, one of those being “Band Bios”. All I want is for the user to click the “Band Bios” button and be taken to the frame label “Band” in scene “Revelation”. This seems like it should be so easy and I’m sure I’m just being lame and missing something. But when I use the Normal Mode to assign a GoToandPlay action, selecting scene “Revelation” and frame label “Band”, nothing happens when I click on the button. The same thing happens if I try using “_root” or “level0” before the “GoToandPlay” action.
Here’s the code I’ve tried so far on the button:
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay(“Revelation”, “band”);
on (release) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“Revelation”, “band”);
on (release) {
_level0.gotoAndPlay(“Revelation”, “band”);
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay(“Revelation”, “band”);
Also, check for that label name, although as far as I know if you point to a frame label that doesn’t exist the movie will play the scene from frame 1.