Im having some difficulties figuring out how to put this together so I thought I’d see if any of you could think of a way…
I have pictures load onto a section of the screen when a button is pushed [COLOR=purple]but I need the previous picture to stay long enough for the ‘doors’ I created to cover the old picture[/COLOR] and when they open the new picture is there.
Right now when the new movie loads to animate the new picture coming the old movie unloads first obviously since they are on the same level so you see the background for a few seconds until my ‘doors’ close…I cant just put them on different levels because the buttons can be pushed in different order and level3 cant load over a loaded level4… any ideas guys?
ok i may be totally misunderstanding you here but why dont you just have a seperate masked clip with the doors animation on your main timeline then have it set up so when one movie plays out they close, and as the other loads in, they open again.
Or is this a bad idea ??
They way the movie will work in the end I’ll really need the doors on each of the .swfs that load the movie. They will probably each become customized according to the page.
Is there a way to make a swf on level4, say, CHANGE to level3 at some point?
sure theres a way to chnge their level, its called [AS]swapDepth()[/AS] look up a tute on it, basically it works by swapping the depth of 2 clips over something like this.
[AS]movieclip1.swapDepth(movieClip2);[/AS] though you dont have to just swap clip depths you can chnge any clips or objects level using this.