Movie - Wall-E


Guys just go see it this forth of july or something before the fireworks. Its pretty good. I mean it does little mock’s of humans, and robots.

[ot]I found it very enjoyable. Now I have to see Love Guru and Wanted and I’ll be caught up on the summer movies.[/ot]

Yeah I saw it today and really liked it. I particularly liked it when the humans were rolling around.

^Yea my bro was like cool maya has fluid physics on blobs. :lol:

haha yeah, everything was really well done. Even the parts with little dialog, which I’m sure puts some people on edge before they see it.

I’ll need to see it then.

:frowning: not out in AUS for a while. Gosh I NEED to see this.

Hehe, free tickets for me. I’m going to watch every single decent movie coming out this summer. Anyway, I’m seeing this tonight. At first I thought it’d be just like another “Toy Story”, but after reading the Boston Globe review…I’m sold.

EDIT Wall-e was indeed amazing. I was astounded at how awesome it was lol. I loved when the captain got to his feet and the 2001 Space Odyssey music blared…ROFL

I just saw it again…:stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, free tickets for me. I’m going to watch every single decent movie coming out this summer.

Then dont see hand ****

Are you kidding? I loved that movie.

To many plot twists for me. I like predictable movies.

Yeah that’s true, it was a little to twisty. But it was a cool idea and they really pulled it off well in the beginning. The ending was a bit weaker but overall I liked it.

Wall-E was insanely good! That last scene almost had me in tears.

The premise is a bit awkward though, the whole garbage thing seems to be a bit overrated these days, especially since Idiocracy.

Yeah, it was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed it.

I kinda wish they hadn’t put in the live-action videos though; they seemed a little out of place to me.

[spoiler=Wall-E]I sorta expected it to dive into the discussion of what constitutes the Wall-E being — i.e., what part of him changed that made him into a new “being” there at the end. They were really close, in that when they changed some parts including the inside computer chip, he acted different, but then he seemed to suddenly jump back into himself. I thought she’d repair the original chip and put it back in.[/spoiler]