Alright I just looked it up, she’s 33. Since when does that fall under the ‘getting old’ category? What are you, 12? :lol:
That aside, I saw it this weekend too. Pretty godda[size=2]m[/size]ned awesome. It was kind of like the Matrix meets Fight Club meets Die Hard. Totally over the top, but super enjoyable.
I went into this movie thinking it was going to be absolute crap, and I was actually shocked. It was A LOT better then I thought it was going to be. The action sequences were well done, the small bits of comedy thrown in were great but not overkill cheesy, and the CGI was well done. As for the plot and story itself, it was pretty good, kept me guessing I can tell you that much. I’d give it a 7.5-8, but I also went into it thinking it was going to receive a 2/10.
Redelite gives it :thumb2: :thumb2:
…and yes Angelina is ridiculously hot in this movie[COLOR=DimGray][/COLOR]…
I went and checked it out. And I went in thinking that it’d be a pretty crappy action movie but fun to watch. It was highly enjoyable but not crappy at all, it surprised me and was worth my matinée money :lol:
LMAO @ Jolie being old, wtf. You should be more worried about the fact that she looked like a skeleton in that movie, holy crap.
Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Palthrow are two women that everyone seems to think are hot, but I just don’t see it. Angelina looks like a crack<explicit deleted> and Gwyneth looks like the most boring woman in the history of mankind
I actually hated this move. I want my money back as far as I’m concerned…it was just a pure thiller, no plot, no making sense, just a bunch of nonsense and people getting their head’s blown off. If $12 is worth seeing Morgan Freeman’s head blown off, than maybe. Otherwise, nah.
Well you gotta admit the actions were pretty creative, which is rare nowadays since The Matrix and Equilibrium.
I liked the plot. It was just right for an action movie. I wish the premise of the mills part was explained more. It seems like they needed an inexplicable part to make the movie work. I like that philosophy behind it and how Fox / Jolie is so firm on that belief that la di da happened. Just wish it was explored more.
[quote=MTsoul;2353997]Well you gotta admit the actions were pretty creative, which is rare nowadays since The Matrix and Equilibrium.
I liked the plot. It was just right for an action movie. I wish the premise of the mills part was explained more. It seems like they needed an inexplicable part to make the movie work. I like that philosophy behind it and how Fox / Jolie is so firm on that belief that la di da happened. Just wish it was explored more.[/quote]
Maybe that’s it. I just needed more than the “our hearts can beat up to 400 times a minute” explanation.
I actually really liked it. I was a bit skeptical at first when I saw how unrealistic it was, but after a few minutes I realized that is part of what made it so good.
Plus, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen an action sequence that was as good as the one near the end (especially when he was shooting his gun out of the back of the guy’s head through his mouth).
And the slo-mo bullet through the guys head at the beginning was really fun too.
Overall, a really action-packed, bloody, over-the-top movie.
I saw it the other day. It was definitely better than I expected (but I expected it to suck hard). I agree that the action was ridiculous, but it was ridiculous on purpose and was actually pretty ■■■■ cool (especially the end). As for the plot, yeah it was weak, but who cares. My one big gripe was it seemed like it was trying to be like Fight Club in a lot of ways, and it didn’t even come close.