I have a movie on one timeline of approximately 900 keyframes which I will be exporting as a quicktime movie.
Problem is the movie is in the wrong position on the main layout.
How do I change the position of the keyframes all at once?
Maybe a thick question but hey…what can I do?
God made me intelligent enough to realise I am too stupid to be intelligent.
Hold down Shift (or is it CTRL+Shift?) and click on the first frame, then just drag the mouse. The frames will turn black. You will then be able to let go of shift and drag all of the frames.
emmm… do you want to position the keyframes on the timeline or the all the objects on the stage(in every keyframe)?
Well if you want to move the keyframe just click and hold on the first keyframe and drag to the 900th keyframe and then click&drag 'em!
But if you want to move all the objects in all the keyrames at once then you’ll have to use “Edit multipile keyframes” button! It’s just below the timeline and has 2 blue squares on it! Click on it drag the to little pointer-thingies! One on the 1st frame and the other on the 900th frame (computer may be slow and even crash doing this) and then right click-> select all and Move 'em!