How do I "push" Key Frames

Dear all,

I’ve just finished my first banner ad and it’s looking good. Problem: it’s too fast at the start and I can’t slow down the frame rate anymore without making the rest of the movie looking rubbish. Does anybody know how I can “push” frames up (all Layers and the Key Frames in front then I guess too…) so that the movie flows better?

Thanks a bunch,


Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for, but you can drag a whole part of the timeline to another part. Just drag a selection box over all the frames you want to move, release the mouse, then click and drag to the position on the timeline where you want them to be.

Thanks for the advice, but if I do that, then whatever is in front will disappear. It’s probably something really basic so I do appologise…

I want to extend the length of my first 10 or so Key Frames so that people actually have time to read my text in the banner - too fast right now…any clearer?

Thanks for this!


Then I’d say move everything from the 10th or so frame further to the right on the timeline.

Got it!

Highlighted section in the timeline and then simply moved it across…like you said! Cheers!


You’re welcome :slight_smile: