Moving to Melbourne

hey kids, I’m on one of those airport internet things and i thought i’d let you know i’m moving to melbourne and i’m very excited, although i am NOT looking forward to this long flight thats going to mos def numb my arse. anyway wish me luck
ahhhhhhhh, and if anyone lives in melbourne, let me in on some details and let me know what’s up!

Good luck… and I don’t mean to sound rude, but I didn’t know we had a member named Tuky. :beam:

you will love melbourne man !! if you like going out and stuff !! there is only one street to know and that is chapel st !! in st kilda !! my friends band play alot of gigs around that area !!

peace out and enjoy the WORLDS most livable city (for a price)


hey good luck, I’m sure you’ll enjoy Melbourne :thumb:

Melbourne is the place to be! :party:

Where are you living? My bros are about your age :stuck_out_tongue: They go to nightclubs every friday and some saturdays. They always leave me alone at home :frowning: but i have plans of my own:pir:

Have fun in Melbourne mate, hope you’ll enjoy it there and don’t arrive with an arse *too * numb :wink:

Isn’t Melbourne the city where they’re completely horse racing crazy? They have this big yearly race. And the day the have the race is actually a holiday?!?

I think I heard that a while back from some friends who went there…

That’s Sienna.

:wink: :trout:

Could be though :beam:

Maybe they’re crazy in Sienna as well, but they love horse racing in Melbourne. The race is the Melbourne Cup and the day it is held is a public holiday in Melbourne: and

melbourne rocks!!

yeah… public holidays for horseracing is cool!! :smiley:

where did you move from??

I’ve always wanted to go down to Melbourne for a week and just see the night life.
Hans, Australia will use anything as a public holiday :lol:

God bless our country!! :smiley:

CHAPEL STREET!!! Don’t go there. Brunswick, Fitzroy, Richmond and the City are the best. Weather can get really crappy, but the summers are great (summery thunderstorms), people are friendly, nightlife is fun, lots of exciting places within a short drive. Plenty of ocean near-by (and surf!!). Enjoy. :smiley:

What’s wrong with chapel street??

i dont know… maybe its just all the transexuals and hookers walking around…

no it’s not!

Hey Guys!
Finally got settled in, I’m living in Epping, somewhere North of the city and it’s brick (as in ccccold)!) I love it so far though, very kind sweet people. I will definitely check out the nightlife as soon as i get a job 'cus right now I’m broke so can’t rteally get around as much as i’d like…anywho, thanks again for the commentary.

Epping in sydney or Melbourne?

cause i didnt know there was a epping in melbourne…

there certainly is… it’s kinda on the outskirts of the Melbourne area.