Next Monday I will Be in sydney!?

Hey there, noticed alot of Kirupians are from Sydney!
I hear Sydney is a fun place… whats there to do, I will be there for almost three weeks!?

nude bars and hockey :wink:

3 weeks? wooooooooo you on holiday? well i was born in sydney but live in canberra (3 hour drive from syd)

definitely check out darling harbour - always fun to walk around there… uh i guess it kinda depends on what type of person you are… i mean you could even go climb the top of the harbour bridge… aquarium is in darling harbour, check out the opera house, shop? hmm what else :q:

lol, sydney is great place, pretty good nite spots if you know where to go. Got some really good looking girls here too. :slight_smile: Get a mixture of nationalities as well, not everyone is aussie here, there are alot, but there alot of half australian / half something and other people coming in from other countries. Where in sydney you going to stay?

Yeah… but is there anything FUN to do? hehehe… that looks cool… but I cant to that for three weeks… I mean, I will defenitly go clubbing or bar hopping or whatever… but I mean… like… I dunno something aussie… like shoot a kangerou or somethin :stuck_out_tongue:

I am going to stay at the Youth Hostel downtown… looks good

Oh near Cronulla Beach. Nice :beam:

shoot a kangaroo!!! :!: dont think you’ll get to do that

you can come to canberra and check out my PET kangaroo…haha

I am messign around guys… yeah I know… but like I dunno , any good hangout spots? or bars? or something or camping spots?

hmmm Soulty would be the one to answer that…never been out in sydney before

You have a PET kangaroo, I hope ur kiding

yeah im kidding :beam:

there heaps of pubs around that way, more like chill out taverns.

Oh… anything else?

im not up there much, i live in the north/western part of sydney near parramatta.

here you go :slight_smile: check the things to do part

Doh! Oh well… I’l find some people hopefully at the Hostel to go hang with…

hey russianbeer are you coming down for a holiday? or are you hear for work or something?

yeah if you are lucky there might be some swedish backpackers staying at the same place :wink: