Hey there, noticed alot of Kirupians are from Sydney!
I hear Sydney is a fun place… whats there to do, I will be there for almost three weeks!?
nude bars and hockey
3 weeks? wooooooooo you on holiday? well i was born in sydney but live in canberra (3 hour drive from syd)
definitely check out darling harbour - always fun to walk around there… uh i guess it kinda depends on what type of person you are… i mean you could even go climb the top of the harbour bridge… aquarium is in darling harbour, check out the opera house, shop? hmm what else :q:
lol, sydney is great place, pretty good nite spots if you know where to go. Got some really good looking girls here too. Get a mixture of nationalities as well, not everyone is aussie here, there are alot, but there alot of half australian / half something and other people coming in from other countries. Where in sydney you going to stay?
Yeah… but is there anything FUN to do? hehehe… that looks cool… but I cant to that for three weeks… I mean, I will defenitly go clubbing or bar hopping or whatever… but I mean… like… I dunno something aussie… like shoot a kangerou or somethin
I am going to stay at the Youth Hostel downtown… looks good
Oh near Cronulla Beach. Nice :beam:
shoot a kangaroo!!! :!: dont think you’ll get to do that
you can come to canberra and check out my PET kangaroo…haha
I am messign around guys… yeah I know… but like I dunno , any good hangout spots? or bars? or something or camping spots?
hmmm Soulty would be the one to answer that…never been out in sydney before
You have a PET kangaroo, I hope ur kiding
yeah im kidding :beam:
there heaps of pubs around that way, more like chill out taverns.
Oh… anything else?
im not up there much, i live in the north/western part of sydney near parramatta.
here you go check the things to do part
Doh! Oh well… I’l find some people hopefully at the Hostel to go hang with…
hey russianbeer are you coming down for a holiday? or are you hear for work or something?
yeah if you are lucky there might be some swedish backpackers staying at the same place