Well this is sad. Looks like C|Net has bought out MP3.com and is deleting EVERYTHING on Dec 2. I know a few of the bands I like host songs there so that just removes that access from the face of the earth
C|Net is supposed to replace it with some other service but with what is yet to be seen.
Eh… it’s good for unknown bands out there really… I’ve come across about ten bands that sound awesome on there… And my friend’s band is on there and now that they were on there… They are getting known… I’m halfway tempted to create another mp3.com type when we get the t1 in here…
yeah, its best for the unknowns. Ive found a few unknown favorites browsing mp3.com. Ive never had a problem with it being slow though. Ive always had (more or less) uninterupted hifi streams. It was a good portal for that though. A shame cnets blowing it out of the water just for the name to start off their own little thingy. Cnet is pretty dominant in the online world though holding domains such as news.com and download.com. They’ll probably do justice to mp3.com