MP3 download

Dear Friends,
Mine is a web based content using sveral MP3 audios. in oredr to reduce the file size I have maintained the compression to be 16kbps. But for more clarity I have to increase it. This change will lead to increase in file size. This is what I want to avoid. Can you suggest me any toll for changing the compression so that the increase in file size will be minmum. Till now I know doing it
From media juke box.
From Winamp
From sound forge
From the flash file itself.
Is there anything else which will help me.
Thanks Rashmi

I know flash makes it always big sizes, if you want good quality, but do you need the whole music inside your fla-file.

Why don’t cut it, there is a freeware program, mp3-splitter, it is German, there you can cut into your audiofiles, maybe handy…

Hope if somebody else can help you more…

From where can I get this freeware.
My only concern is the download time.
If I can go for parallel downloading maintain the same download time after increasing the bit rate of the audio.
Then thats going to help me.
Please give me the url for the tool “Audio-splitter” you have mentioned.

Here you can see everything from mp3programs:

This is where you can find the program:

Glad to helped you out!

:slight_smile: =) :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for ur help. But it didn,t help me. I have just downloaded the exe and got to know about the application. Splitting cannot help me I have audio controls like audio off and replay. If I am splitting the audio then the controlling will be very difficult.