MP3 Player Help

Alright, recently I asked about how to make a MP3 player and you guys gave me links. Thanx a lot I made one! Which you can see here… .
Anyway, I decided to experiment w/ another one using a XML list. I can get it to play from the list and all that goodness and it works good. However, here are some things I can’t do that I would like to.

  1. Make a vertical sound bar.

  2. When a song ends it goes directly to the next, and the last one loops back to the first.

  3. Mute button… I can get it to mute but can’t get it to unmute w/o pressing the volume up button which is currently not shown directly on the source.

Help please… source+xml playlist is in the zip


–use movieClip.onRelease, movieClip.onReleaseOutSide and movieClip.onPress to determine when the sound bar is being dragged

– use sound.setVolume() to set the vulume which is determined by the _y position of your sound bar

–use sound.onSoundComplete to load a new song

–before you mute store sound.getVolume()
–when you ‘un-mute’ just restoe this value with sound.setVolume()

Hmmm… I appriciate all that info but I’m not very familar w/ all that coding. This code is code that I modified from another player. I was able to modify it only because the coding that I used was already there and I was able to understand how it was being used and modify the existing stuff the way I saw fit. I hate to say this but I guess I’ll need “step by step” help. Thx
