mp3 plays twice!


I want an mp3 stream to start playing once a separte swf has finished loading.

I have set up a listener for the swf. Inside the onLoadComplete function I have added some code for the mp3 streaming.

I am pretty sure that the listener is working, since other events aren’t triggered wrongly. However…

Sometimes the sound clip starts to play (and shows as 100% loaded) and then jumps back to the start, and the loader whizzes down. It doesn’t appear to play before the swf is loaded though…

mclListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip, status:Number):Void  {
  //get soundUrl
  soundToLoad.loadSound(episode+"/"+soundUrl, true);
  soundToLoad.onLoad = function () {
      this.start(0, 1);
}//end onLoadComplete
function createSoundInterval():Void{
 soundIntervalID = setInterval( this, "soundProgress", soundInterval);
 trace ("sound interval"+soundIntervalID);
function soundProgress():Void{
 var soundPercent:Number = Math.round(100*(soundToLoad.position/soundToLoad.duration));
 //trace (soundPercent+"%");
 if (soundPercent >=100){

Oddly the trace soundIntervalID shows that sometimes more than 1 interval is being created.

What can I do to ensure the mp3 only plays once?



PS if you want you can see teh offedning beast at - only the first 3 buttons have sound clips associated with them