im currently making a game…
in this game you controll a gattlinggun turret, and this in itself implies that the turret basically SPEWS out bullets (later game play up to about 30 bullets per second)
So there are alot of bullets on the playing field…
Now how do i make a hittest for each one of these…
placing a if(hittest in each one would slow it down massivly aswell as being a pain in the /¤/&%¤ since there will be new items added during th game play…
id like to be abel to check if an item is being hit from the item that the bullets are comming at ( not each bullet checking if its hit sumthing) because this way im having least ammount of code =) and i just have to make em all hittest for bullets instead of bullets hittesting for every kind of obstacle
i tried naming all my bullets “bullet” and hoping that would work in hittest , but unfortunatly it dosent… =(
So a second way i though of was to make a movie clip contain all the bullets…
and then check if that movie clip is overlapping… but that aw we all know only checks for the movieclips edges and not for the actual pixels which are the image
Soo… any suggestions please?
Hope i made my problem clear
// VoS