I'm loving the new flash 8 file uploading capability and have come very far w/ a multiple file uploader.
It works great most of the time but it seems to throw up the “script is causing Flash to run slowly” error about 20% of the time.
Here’s the full actionscript I am using below:
import flash.net.FileReferenceList;
import flash.net.FileReference;
//---- init ---------------------------------------------------
//// visibility
mc_loader._visible = false;
upload_button._visible = false;
upload_button.enabled = false;
var files_to_upload = new Array();
//---- instantiat reference list ------------------------------
var fileRef:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
var listener = new Object();
//---- onSelect -----------------------------------------------
listener.onSelect = function( fileRefList:FileReferenceList )
upload_button.enabled = true;
upload_button._visible = true;
var list = new Array();
var temp_upload_array = new Array(); //var item:FileReference;
list = fileRefList.fileList;
for( var i:Number = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
temp_upload_array.push( list* );
files_to_upload = files_to_upload.concat( temp_upload_array );
//---- the event for the browse buttons -----------------------
browse_button.clickHandler = function()
fileRef.browse( [ { description: "JPEGs", extension: "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.doc;*.swf;*.txt" } ] );
//---- the event for the upload button ------------------------
upload_button.clickHandler = function():Void
for( var i:Number = 0; i < files_to_upload.length; i++ )
files_to_upload*.addListener( listener );
//---- basic listener functions -------------------------------
listener.onCancel = function():Void { trace("onCancel"); }
listener.onOpen = function( file:FileReference ):Void { trace("onOpen: " + file.name);}
listener.onProgress = function( file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number ):Void
percentLoaded = Math.round( bytesLoaded / bytesTotal * 100);
_root.mc_loader.bar._xscale = percentLoaded;
_root.mc_loader.txt_percent = percentLoaded + " % (" + _root.upload_file_cnt + ")"; //( " + Math.round( bytesLoaded ) + " of " + Math.round( bytesTotal ) + " Bytes Loaded )";
//---- onComplete function ------------------------------------
listener.onComplete = function( file:FileReference ):Void
trace( "(onComplete): file_name: " + file.name );
listener.onHTTPError = function( file:FileReference, httpError:Number ):Void
trace( "onHTTPError: " + file.name + " httpError: " + httpError );
listener.onIOError = function( file:FileReference ):Void { trace( "onIOError: " + file.name ); }
listener.onSecurityError = function( file:FileReference, errorString:String ):Void
trace("onSecurityError: " + file.name + " errorString: " + errorString);
Is there anything in this code that might cause this error?
Thanks for your time,
Clem C