teh site isnt up yet… but if it was all i need to do is upload the txt’s as well, and just have the filename in the URL box?
Yep, as long as they are in the same directory when you upload them (which I recommend).
ok, well, what i was tlaking about was like, using geocities or something before i uploaded the site so the guy could see if he liked it first
When you upload to a server (even in geocities) you have the capability of creating subdirectories and such. I wasn’t sure if you did that so I recommended you keep all the files in the same directory.
ok, ive only built websites using geocities and stuff b4, so this is all kind of new to me
could u reccommend a good ftp?
If you mean FTP program that would be WS_FTP , I love it.
hmmm, im using smart ftp…
I hear cuteFTP is good too.
hmmmm, is it easy to make the flash work in dreamweaver?
If you want your Flash to be in an HTML page all you have to do is go to File/Publish settings in flash and make sure the .html checkbox is checked, then hit publish, it will publish your .html file that has the embed code for the flash file.
A flash file will not work inside dreamweaver, but if you hit F12 to preview your page, it should show if the file is linked correctly.
i c, well, i was thngking there could be a page lik e: enter here or something, and then a popup 800x600, the size of teh site will come up, without all the toolbars and stuiff, and it would be the site right there…
Don’t open an 800x600 window.
There is always the title bar to account for, and the the taskbar to account for as well.
ya, see, i wouldnt have known cuz ive never done this, what should i do to make it look good, youve seen it so u know it would look weird just sitting on a black backgroiund cuz of the blue on the top…
I haven’t seen it :q:
Have I??
Sorry, I have really bad memory :-, but I don’t think I saw it.
lol, ya, u did, its the one with the blue banner like thing that says prominence… rofl
but the point is, how can i make it so it opens alone seperately, like a popup ad ya know?