ok, i got the rollovers i was working on done, but since its a full site that im making i need to have text, and since its not MY site, its my friends, i want to use the loadVariable action so he can edit the text without having to use flash, cuz he cant do it, i want to know if its possible to have different txt’s loaded for each button, so if he clicks on members button, it will show a differen txt then when he clicks on the main button
i basically can do loadvariable, i just did it, but im not sure if i can do multiple ones for different buttons to load…
someone tell me if its possible/how to do it.
ps: i havent seen a tut for this, i already checked around
if my text will only go down to the page i dont ahve to include the scroller part do i?
and if i wanted to make a header for each section, could i:
make a seperate dynamic text field, and in the Var box put something other than textField ? and then adjust the actions to load both the textField txt’s and the header txt’s?
Ok, I have done this before, but it isn’t working now. I am not doing very good on the scripting part for these past 2 days, so forgive me. I could get it to load the new text, but it wouldn’t bring it to the top!..grrrr.
ty, mine worked as well, but im not using scrollers, its not really necessary for me…
but the loadvar stuff is giving me trouble, i cant seeem to get it to work so that when i send the swf to my friend, and the txt’s and hes got all the same folders and stuff, how he can view it… =(