Multiple movieclips fading and unfading

Hey, I have 36 instances of one movieclip (called panel1, panel2…panel36) that I want to fade and unfade depending on whether the mouse has rolled over that one instance, I tried this code, which works when there is only one instance, but not when multiple.

_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
    for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
        name = "panel"+i;
        if (rollover) {
            if (_root[name]._alpha > 0) {
                _root[name]._alpha -= 10;    
        if (rollout) {
            if (_root[name]._alpha < 100) {
                _root[name]._alpha +=10;
    _root[name].onRollOver = function () {
        rollover = true;
        rollout = false;
    _root[name].onRollOut = function () {
        rollout = true;
        rollover = false;

Does anyone have any ideas on why it isn’t working and how to make it work?

Thanks in advance, Sammo :slight_smile:
rollover+out.fla (MX)