Multiple onmouseover/onclick targets from one button- possible?

Currently been using some simple java and some onmouseover and onclick events to load into some targeted <object>'s. My hope is to have TWO targets loaded at the same time. So for example, here is current code:

<div id=“thumb2”><a href="javascript:void()"onmouseover="ShowPage(‘frame2’)"onclick=“ShowPage(‘frame2’)” target=“mainbox”></a></div>

I want to have that action and the following action both performed at the same time from the same div/button :

<div id=“thumb2”><a href="javascript:void()"onmouseover="ShowPage(‘leftnav2’)"onclick=“ShowPage(‘leftnav2’)” target=“leftnav”></a></div>

With my current code, one or the other of these works fine- i need to find a way for them BOTH to work at the same time. I also tried using meta refresh on ‘frame2’ to see if i could load into the leftnav target from there but i guess that is not possible.
