Multiple problems

Well, first I want to say hi since I’m pretty new to this forum and to flash as well. I’ve done some things in flash begun to understand the basics…but still in beginner phase:D

Anyway the problems,

I’m trying to make an full screen display, that’s my first problem…the full screen, I’ve tried multiple things now but nothing really worked out. So help there would be really handy…

Then secondly, yes I know, just here and already that many questions…
I want to make the display change an image every … seconds. So I do know how to make a system for the different images, but the time part is a bit difficult…so again help is really welcome.

And last but not least, When I load an image into my empty movievlip container(empty_MC). The images loads as if it was registered top left, while I want it centred…so the size doesn’t really matter…

I will be posting my progress here, so I can’t promise you this will be my last post!!