Ok, I’ll try to explain this simply (mainly for my benefit later :} )
I am making a game where you control ships by clicking on them, and then clicking else where on the screen to move them to that position, like on Command and Conquer and Age of Empires.
How could I create a something (box) that would allow me to click and drag, so selecting multiple units on my screen, and then allowing me to move them??
I’ve only got Flash MX, so none of that there new fangled Flash MX 2004!
I’m trying to find the example I made a while back to see If I could. I got it all working but the problem was with the movement and getting the ‘units’ to check for each other so they don’t all end at the same point (and on top of each other). If I find the fla i’ll post it, or make a new one If I find the time. sorry, but perhaps this bump will find someone else who can help more than me at this pont.