Multiple streaming sound manipulation

Hey there.
I have a site where as you click links, you move forwards through a city. I want to fade sound files in and out, overlapping, depending on where you are in the city. (The site is
As yet, I can’t have two sounds playing at once.
I have found a site with the effect I want, it’s at
(Great site, by the way)
My code is as follows.
I have two sound loops at the moment, one of cicadas, one of a city at night, both saved as separate .swf files, which I have loaded onto the main timeline on layers 14 and 15.
The code for the two loops is:

cicadas.swf, FRAME 1

var volPercent = 20;
cicadas = new Sound(cicadas);

city.swf, FRAME 1

var volPercent = 20;
city = new Sound(cityMC);

Once I load these two onto different levels, I get no sound.
If I delete one, the other will play.
I have tried loading the sound objects into empty movie clips, but then the entire file has to load before it will start playing. I need a way to stream multiple sound files, and have control over their volume. Is there a thread or tutorial out there that can solve my problem?
Sorry if this post is long and convoluted, it’s hard to explain

Have you seen this one?


Thanks Scotty.
Bloody brilliant.



OK, that pretty much told me everything I needed to know about controlling sound files, EXCEPT, how do I loop a dynamically loaded streaming sound file…
My code, as far as I have got, is:

cicada = new Sound(cicadaMC);
cicada.loadSound(“sounds/cicadas.mp3”, true);
_root.cicada.start(0, 999);

If I delete the “true” condition, the sound will loop, but will not stream.
I have read the tute back to front, still can’t figure it out.