Multiple .swfs embedded on html page - overlap?

To cut to the chase: I have a website developed in AS 2.0, and I have a gallery I want to use (because I paid for the damn thing) that is written in AS 3.0. I think after hours of researching and getting frustrated with my lack of solid flash knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot load this external AS 3.0 swf into my AS 2.0 swf.

Okay, so… this obviously wouldn’t be best practice I’m sure, but I’m looking for aesthetic solutions – is there a way I can have my index.html page be the main swf as it is, and then if you click on the gallery link in that main swf, the AS 3.0 gallery swf would appear on top of the main page? So layering of the two swfs? And I guess I could exact position the gallery swf… have it fade in/out or something so that just visually it looked like it was contained in the main window?

Thank you IMMENSELY in advance for any thoughts you have on this. Or any other solutions my crazy non-programmer brain hasn’t thought of :slight_smile: