Multiple values for Math.random

I am using Math.random to dynamically change the orbit speed/distance of a movie clip around a point (a second, empty movie clip).
All is well with that.
My issue is that I would like also have another random orbiting movie clip which orbits around it’s own separate point.

The problem is that both instances choose the same value for Math.random.
What can I do so that they both choose different values?

Here is my AS:

var radius = Math.random()*10;
var degrees = Math.random()*1000;

var helper = Math.random(1000);

onEnterFrame = function (){
angle = degrees * (Math.PI/360);
degrees += Math.random()*3;

xposition = radius * Math.cos(angle) *(2.5);
yposition = radius * Math.sin(angle) *(2.2);

government_mc._x = xposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.government_earth._x
government_mc._y = yposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.government_earth._y

teachers_mc._x = xposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.teachers_earth._x
teachers_mc._y = yposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.teachers_earth._y


// Import the needed classes:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
// Setup the Tween Function
function scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time):Void  {
    var scaleTween = new Tween(mc, "_xscale", easeType, startSize, endSize, time, true);
    var scaleTween = new Tween(mc, "_yscale", easeType, startSize, endSize, time, true);
    scaleTween.onMotionFinished = function() {
        delete scaleTween;
        // trace("scaleTween finished and deleted"); // optional trace call
// Setup the button codes
// yourButton_btn = your button instance
// yourMC = your mc instance you wish to scale
government_mc.onRollOver = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(government_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 100, 120, 1);
    // scales up to specified size on Roll Over
government_mc.onRollOut = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(government_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 120, 100, 1);
    // scales down to orginal size on Roll Out

teachers_mc.onRollOver = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(teachers_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 100, 120, 1);
    // scales up to specified size on Roll Over
teachers_mc.onRollOut = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(teachers_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 120, 100, 1);
    // scales down to orginal size on Roll Out

Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.

For anyone interested:

var radius = Math.random() * 10;
var degrees = Math.random() * 1000;

var radius2 = Math.random() * 10;
var degrees2 = Math.random() * 1000;

var helper = Math.random(1000);

onEnterFrame = function (){
angle = degrees * (Math.PI/360);
degrees += Math.random() * 3;

angle2 = degrees2 * (Math.PI/360);
degrees2 += Math.random() * 3;

xposition = radius * Math.cos(angle) * (2.5);
yposition = radius * Math.sin(angle) * (2.2);

x2position = radius2 * Math.cos(angle2) * (2.5);
y2position = radius2 * Math.sin(angle2) * (2.2);

government_mc._x = xposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.government_earth._x
government_mc._y = yposition + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.government_earth._y

teachers_mc._x = x2position + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.teachers_earth._x
teachers_mc._y = y2position + Math.exp(Math.round(3)) + _root.teachers_earth._y


// Import the needed classes:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
// Setup the Tween Function
function scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time):Void  {
    var scaleTween = new Tween(mc, "_xscale", easeType, startSize, endSize, time, true);
    var scaleTween = new Tween(mc, "_yscale", easeType, startSize, endSize, time, true);
    scaleTween.onMotionFinished = function() {
        delete scaleTween;
        // trace("scaleTween finished and deleted"); // optional trace call
// Setup the button codes
// yourButton_btn = your button instance
// yourMC = your mc instance you wish to scale
government_mc.onRollOver = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(government_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 100, 120, 1);
    // scales up to specified size on Roll Over
government_mc.onRollOut = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(government_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 120, 100, 1);
    // scales down to orginal size on Roll Out

teachers_mc.onRollOver = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(teachers_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 100, 120, 1);
    // scales up to specified size on Roll Over
teachers_mc.onRollOut = function():Void  {
    // scaleT(mc, easeType, startSize, endSize, time) <-- parameters to enter below:
    scaleT(teachers_mc, Strong.easeInOut, 120, 100, 1);
    // scales down to orginal size on Roll Out