Music navigation prob

Hello, I have been wrestling with ths script quite a while … and still can`t get it to work … here it is :

var sndAudio:Sound = new Sound(mc_sound);
sndAudio.loadSound(“track1.mp3”, false);
sndAudio.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void {
if(bSuccess) {
mc_play.onRelease = function():Void {
mc_stop.onRelease = function():Void {

The mp3 sound plays only if I preview it in flash mode, but not in html :frowning:
And will play only if I press the mc_play. Very wierd. Cant understand why it wont launch automatically :s The second problem is that my mp3 is a loop and this script won`t loop my music and I have no idea how to make it loop. Could any1 help me ? PLZ :confused: