Music Quiz-Action Script 2.0-Help Needed

Hello! I am developing a web based music quiz where the player has to guess the song title from a short clip of music that will be played. I have made the interface, buttons etc and the only problem I now have is:

How do I connect different music clips to the different questions? I am using XML to bring in the questions and answers and am trying to do the same with the music, but it doesnt work! For now I hae made an mp3 player that plays the songs in one long order, but I want Flash to change the songs with the click ot the right button. Because the game always reshuffles the answers I cannot set the ‘change song’ action to a single button…

Please help!!

Here is the actionscript I have used so far!
LOADER -----------------------
// get the questions
loadQuestions = new LoadVars();
loadQuestions.onLoad = initQuestions;
function initQuestions() {
// break into questions using returns
// NOTE: character 13 may work better in some cases than character 10
qArray = loadQuestions.questions.split(String.fro mCharCode(10));
// break each question into question and answers
for(i=0;i<qArray.length;i++) {
qArray* = qArray*.split(":");
// break the answers apart
qArray*[1] = qArray*[1].split(";");
// start the game
_root.gotoAndPlay(“start game”);
Main Interactive Section --------------------------------------
function initGame() {
// set variables
questionNum = 0;
score = 0;
// ask the first question
function displayQuestion() {
// see whether all the questions have been asked
if (questionNum >= qArray.length) {
// show final score and end the game
gotoAndPlay(“game over”);
} else {
// rearrange
answers = shuffleArray(qArray[questionNum][1].slic e(0));
// place the question and answers on the screen
question.text = qArray[questionNum][0];
answer0.text = answers[0];
answer1.text = answers[1];
answer2.text = answers[2];
answer3.text = answers[3];
// show the question number
questionNumDisplay = questionNum+1;
// remember which one is correct
correctAnswer = qArray[questionNum][1][0];
// make the text slide in
// start potential points at 1000
potentialPoints = 1000;
// every frame that goes by subtracts one point
function scoreCount() {
// make sure that last answer has arrived
if (answer3._x == 400) {
// subtract point
potentialPoints -= 1;
if (potentialPoints < 0) potentialPoints = 0;
// take array1 and shuffle into array 2
function shuffleArray(array1) {
// create new, empty array
array2 = new Array();
// loop through array
do {
// select a random item
r = int(Math.random()*array1.length);
// add item to new array
// remove item from old array
} while (array1.length > 0);
// send back the new array
function animateIn() {
// set the location of each answer
// and set where each should stop
answer0.xstop = 400;
answer0._x = 800;
answer1.xstop = 400;
answer1._x = 1000;
answer2.xstop = 400;
answer2._x = 1200;
answer3.xstop = 400;
answer3._x = 1400;
function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {
// add score
score += potentialPoints;
// ask next question
} else {
// wrong
// subtract from potential points
potentialPoints -= 200;
if (potentialPoints < 0) potentialPoints = 0;
// remove the answer
_root[“answer”+n].text = “”;
#include “”