MVC help

Hi guys…
I’m gonna make a flash-based site to one of my customers…
I used to create web sites without any specific structure actually… Just dynamicly create moviclips, control them, move them… Lots of events to communicate and such. But when it gets bigger, the code gets really messy. I can’t control the system I create…
So I want a better structure for doing such projects…
MVC is looking really good and tidy on AS3…
This is where I started…
I made some examples for myself…
But I got stuck in some point…
Let me explain it :
I have the Model, view and the controller…
Controller listens to view’s user inputs like clicks… Then according to this events, changes the model’s variables or etc. Then the model dispatches an event, so view updates the ui by it…
This works well when I have just a simple UI system…

But when I have something similar to this:
View -> MenuView->MenuButtons

When one of the menu buttons get clicked, it dispatches “CLICK” event to the MenuView…
Then MenuView listens and then dispatches the clicked buttons id and the click event to the View (ex : MenuEvent.Click, id )
Then view dispatches according to this event, lets say change page event, (ex : MenuEvent.Change, id) to the controller…
Controller listens to the event and calls the model’s appropriate function with the id ( ex : model.changePageTo(id) )

When model’s changePageTo functions triggered, it sets the currentPage to id and then dispatches a new event to view, like ViewEvent.ChangePage…

Then view listens to it and change the page according to models currentPage variable…

Ok now… I know it is a very bad explanation…
But this event and listener system is just blowing me away… :wasted:
What should I do to minimize this communications?

Thanks in advance…