MVC - Need a little help!

Hi Guys,

I need some help with how to structure a major application in MVC, basically I have several applications (a gallery app, a coverflow app and a dataGrid application) that I want to display inside an main application.

The main application has a menu to select each application to load, and each loaded application is a Composite View containing other views like image display views, scrollbar views, sliders etc.

I am using the MVC pattern and the Composite pattern to create the applications themselves and simplify the update process, and I have a few questions about structure:

  1. At present I am creating each view (i.e. galleryView, CoverflowView, dataGridView) and each Model for each view in the Main (document class), and to each model I am passing an different XML file for that application from the document class. Is this the right way to do it? or is there a better way? Also, should eventListeners to the model, do inside the document class, or the views themselves?

  2. Also, is it normal to create views inside other views? In other words, say I have a galleryView that is a Composite Object. Should I be creating and adding new views (i.e. scrollBarView, imageView) to the galleryView - inside the galleryView class, or is it better to create other views outside the galleryView class and then add() them to it as part of its composite structure (as below), for updating?

var galleryView:Composite = new galleryView(model, controller);
var scrollview:Composite = new ScrollView(model, controller)

  1. One other thing I am having trouble with is how to change between views. In other words if I have a navigation that changes between the galleryView and the DataGridView, would I have to remove all the (component) views inside the galleryView first, and then create the DataGridView, or is it better to simply hide the galleryView and un-hide the DataGridView, and vice versa?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, as I have been on it for days…
