i’m new here…
so to represent me i post my online


what do you think about it?

Welcome!!! :party:

I like your site. I’m not sure I like the pixel fonts once you get in your site though. The vector fat style you have for everything else is so nice. Maybe there is a way to use it more.

Hi there, an Italian eh, havent see many of you yet!

I like the style of your site, your vector illustrations rock my world…

i found it really easy to navigate and an original concept!

cya round

really thx :slight_smile:

Great job, I love it!
Maybe add a rollout function on the main menu stars.
Every thing else looks amazing. I love the use of colors and your other work is great too!

i dont really care for the animations on the smaller buttons in the submenus (with your vector pics, etc)… i dont think you should have an animation on them, especially not repeating animations…
im also not much for buttons that dont have titles until you roll over them, but i suppose since you only have 4 sections it’s not that big a problem.
For being a flash site, it’s fairly good… No big irritating animations atleast.

(just my opinion)

I like it very much…the motions are smooth and the overall site doesn’t feels complicated at all, also your illustrations are veri nice… good job bro. =)

i’ve added guestbook and some new works…