In Flash MX whenever I seem to program any random movement it never shows up when I test it or whenever I export it. The movie clips appear but they are motionless. If anyone knows what this is or how to solve it please reply. Thanx a lot
In Flash MX whenever I seem to program any random movement it never shows up when I test it or whenever I export it. The movie clips appear but they are motionless. If anyone knows what this is or how to solve it please reply. Thanx a lot
What is the code you are using to program the movement?
code would help…
O.K. Here’s the code. I pasted this in the first keyframe of my action layer. This is from Kirupa’s Tutorial on random motion.
function getdistance (x, y, x1, y1) {
var run, rise;
run = x1-x;
rise = y1-y;
return (hyp(run, rise));
function hyp (a, b) {
return (Math.sqrt(aa+bb));
MovieClip.prototype.reset = function () {
var dist, norm, movie_height, movie_width;
movie_height = 150;
movie_width = 300;
speed = Math.random()4+2;
targx = Math.random()(movie_width-_width);
targy = Math.random()*(movie_height-_height);
dist = _root.getdistance(_x, _y, targx, targy);
norm = speed/dist;
diffx = (targx-_x)*norm;
diffy = (targy-_y)*norm;
MovieClip.prototype.move = function () {
var cycle;
if (_root.getdistance(_x, _y, targx, targy)>speed) {x += diffx;y += diffy;
} else {x = targx;
y = targy;
if (!this.t) {
t = getTimer();
}if (getTimer()-t>cycle) {reset();
t = 0;
_x = x;
_y = y;
This was pasted in the movie clips I wanted to move:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
I’m pretty sure something is not wrong with the code because I have copied and pasted it from tutorials after I found out some other codes didn’t work.
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