Ok, it is possible to create a hyperlink in a dynamic text box. But it is possible to load a Movieclip from this hyperlink, instead a web address?
Ok, it is possible to create a hyperlink in a dynamic text box. But it is possible to load a Movieclip from this hyperlink, instead a web address?
First off, you’d need to define a function like this:
[AS]myLoadMovie = function(movie) {
Then HTML enable the text field:
[AS]myTextField.html = true;[/AS]
And to call the function use the asfunction protocol:
[AS]myTextField.htmlText = “<a href=‘asfunction:myLoadMovie,someMovie.swf’>myLoadMovie</a>”;[/AS]
Any questions? =)
No problem, nivas. =)
I got a question… where do I apply the last peice of script? in the .txt or in the actions layer in my movie?
The text field is html enabled, so i presume that text goes in the text box.
I mean you could put
the <a href: part in the text box and then it would work
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