Hi I have a question. Say I want to increase the x postion for a object for 5 seconds, how would I do this? Ive been looking at gettimer / setinterval on the forums but still do not understand. Thanks
// define an onEnterFrame handler to move the MovieClip continuosly
clip.onEnterFrame = function() {
// delete the onEnterFrame handler after 5 seconds
var deleteOnEnterFrame = setInterval(function () {
delete clip.onEnterFrame;
}, 5000);
does that help? =)
getTimer() is basically the timer, in milliseconds of the duration the movie has been playing. If you call getTimer() 1 second after the movie’s been playing, it will read 1000, after 2 seconds, 2000, etc. This is the function you want to use to move the object for 5 seconds. Stick this code in your object and i’ll explain after:
onClipEvent (load) {
startTime = getTimer();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (getTimer() - startTime < 5000) {
_x = _x+5;
This code tells the object to move 5 pixels to the right for 5 seconds. startTime is the variable defined as the time which the object begins calling its code. The “getTimer() - startTime < 5000” says, for the next 5 seconds, do the following code. getTimer is always increasing in milliseconds, so if you compare it to the start time by taking the difference between the two, you can essentially give it a duration.
without trying to think too much I’d say you could do something like this…
getTimer() = curTime;
while (getTimer()-5000 < curTime) {
this._x = location+i++;
Code’s probably not right since I’m not big on actionscripting but that should give you an idea.
oh, and it’s 5000 for 5 seconds b/c I believe getTimer() returns miliseconds.
Hope it helps
haha, when I started writing that, there were no replys
shouldn’t that be curTime = getTimer();?
*Originally posted by awligon *
**Code’s probably not right since I’m not big on actionscripting but that should give you an idea.
hey, whatever effort you put is still effort. you helped and that’s all that matters.