Hey everyone,
The tuorial is here - http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/transitions2.htm
I am usong the tutorial model to make a gallery section which has different image sets that I want to transition between. I went through the tutorial and got everything to work, BUT - when I load the movies into another parent movie, the buttons don’t work properly. Whichever image set I load first is the only image set that loads; both buttons load whichever set I chose first.
Should the script in the tutorial work even if I load it into another movie? Do I need tochange references? I am using Flash MX. I really put some time into banging my head against a wall on this trying to figure out what I was doing wrong so I finally posted, I hope you can help-
I uploaded the SWFs and FLAs here http://mrkrishna.com/flash/swfs.zip
movie is the main parent movie
images is the gallery movie that controls the transition movie, it loades into ‘movie’. WHen you run just the ‘images.swf’, increase the window size to the right to reveal the buttons
images1 and images 2 are the image sets that load into images
thanks again