someone must know…?! plz anyone…!?
The buttons are bamboozled by the code I gave you :beam:
When you do scroller.onRollOver, Flash won’t take into consideration button handlers that are inside that button. So you need to change the code to
midScreen = Stage.width/2;
if (_xmouse>midScreen) {
this.speed = -5;
} else {
this.speed = +5;
if (this._x>0) {
this._x = -300;
if (this._x<-300) {
this._x = 0;
and remove the code from the scroller too.
alrite i dont’ think its that problem anymore because i just fixed it and the links aren’t working
so this is the code i put on each button:
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (“scene 2”,1);
but its not worrrkiing!!! thats the code i usually use but i think its wrong i’m guessing…any ideas…?! thx for all this help btw <:}
It works fine, you just aren’t doing it right.
Give the frame in your Scene 2 a label. I will use “startScene2” (no quotes) as my label for frame 1 in Scene 2.
Ok, now on your button, the code will look like…
on (release) {
You can’t change scenes from inside a movieclip using the gotoAndPlay(“Scene”, frame#) for some reason, but if you give the frame you want to go to a label, you can always use _root.gotoAndPlay(label). Which is what electrongeek said earlier.
ah i got it thx A LOT!!!
and merry christmas <:}