Mx infinite menu

ive made the inifnite menu, and i wanetd to change it a little…
i was wondering if you could make it continuosly move to the left even if your mouse wasn’t on it, but it still having the change in direction once your mouse rolls over it…get it? anywayz thx for your help

have a direction string

ie direction=""
when mouseover left side set direction=“left”
when mouseover right side set direction=“right”

then do an

     else if(direction=="right")

i’m not too sure how to do that :-\

direction = left, right
left = _xmouse<225
right = _xmouse>225

is it something like that? i’m not too great at this so if its wrong plz ignore it and tell me how it could be done…thx

I don’t understand what you’re trying to do :-\ Do you have an example?

i have an fla attatched here i think if it works properly…and right now its just moving at a constant speed towards the right…

but i’m trying to make it move to the left when your mouse goes to the left…and to the right when your mouse goes to the right, just like on the infinite menu

it doesn’t have to have a varied speed…just a constant speed is good…and i also want it to only move when your mouse goes on the scrollbar…i’m not sure if that would be hard…but i’m just trying to get the direction thing correct at the moment…so do you know how it would be done?

i hope you guys understood it :-\ someone must know howta do this!!

Sorry, I don’t know anything.

I have yet to even do the tutorial :-\

darn! if you don’t know…who will!
ah well hope someone drops by this post =)

I think that this does what you wanted. And there was a problem in the code, too.

pom :goatee:

sweet! thx very much i was about to get pretty desperate heh…
thx again :slight_smile:

alrite i just found out another problem and i dont’ know howta fix it!
since i got those two buttons where you rollover, it covers the pictures in the scrollbar below.
You can see them, but you can’t click on 'em to link them to something else…

so i was wondering how this could be fixed…!? could you mask more than one thing…? or will that not work either?

i was thinking i would have to do this all in coding instead…would you happen to know how to do this…? how about if we created a box in AS and made it so when you rolled over that invisble box it would still move but wouldn’t affect the things under…
get it…?! anywayz i’m not sure if that’ll work thx for reading <:}

OK, here it is, scripted.

pom (-:

yipeeee thx very much you saved me lotsa time and misery :slight_smile: :rambo: :slight_smile: :nerd: :asian: :bandit: <:}

ok this is beginning to really annoy me cause after i figure out something another problem keeps comming!!

so the this is…i used your code and everything and changed it a bit to make it fit what i wanted…and then the problem is…that i can’t click on the buttons to make em change scenes!!
i added a code to them to change to ‘scene 2’ for example and it doesn’t work!!
whats wrong!!! :bad:

have the buttons target frame labels on the scene you want it to go to.

well this is the code i got on each button right now…

on (release) {
gotoAndPlay(“scene2”, 1);

sorry i’m not too sure what you mean by target frame labels…or is the way i did alrite…? just to make sure, doesn’t the ‘1’ already target a frame?

On scene 2 give one of your frames a name like “blah” and on your button apply this action:

on (release) {

are you sure taht is correct? it still doesn’t seem to link…i dunno why!! heeelp me!

Did you give the frame a name in scene 2? Let me look at your fla so I can see what you did.

good idea…:slight_smile: